Thursday, 14 July 2011


Infectious diseases are those that spread from one person to another. Healthy persons must be protected from people with these sicknesses.

Lets take a look at some of these sicknesses and how they spread.
Organisms that causes               Name of the sickness             How it spread or               Principal medicines
     the sicknesses                                                                     enters the body                                            
                                                       tuberculosis                      through the air                                              
                                                         tetanus                            dirty wounds                                               
                                                  Some diarrhea                     dirty fingers, water                                         
bacteria                                       pneumonia                             through the air                                            
 (microbes or germs)                 (some kinds)                                                                      antibiotics     
                                                 gonorrhea and                         sexual contact                                             
                                                   earache                                   with a cold                                                
                                                 infected wounds                       contact with dirty                                        
                                                 sores with pus                            direct contact                                           
                                                                                                     (by touch)                                              
                                                colds, flu, measles,                  from someone who           aspirin and other   
                                                mumps, chickenpox,               is sick, through the         painkillers (There are
  virus                                       infantile paralysis,                    air, by coughing,           no medicines that fight
      (germs smaller                      virus diarrhea                           files, etc.                     viruses effectively.
       than bacteria)                    _______________________________________  Antibiotics do not help)
                                                    rabies                                  animal bites                   Vaccinations help
                                               _______________________________________    prevent some virus
                                               warts                                          touch                        infections.
                                                ringworm                                                                  sulfur and vinegar
                                                                                            by touching or from       ointments: undecylenic,
     fungus                                 athlete's foot                             clothing                       benzoic, salicylic acid
                                                 jock itch                                                                  griseofulvin
                                               in the gut:                                                                   different specific
  internal parasites                    worms                                   feces to mouth               medicines
   (harmful animals                    amebus                                  lack of cleanliness
  living in the body)                     (dysentery)
                                              in the blood:
                                                malaria                                  mosquito bite                 chloroquine
                                             lice                                          by contact with
  external parasites                 fleas                                         infected people               insecticides,
    (harmful animals                 bedbugs                                  or their clothes                 lindane
   living on the body)              scabies

Bacteria, like many of the organisms that cause infections, are so small you cannot see them without a microscope, an instrument that makes tiny things look bigger. Viruses are even smaller than bacteria.

Antibiotics (penicilline, etc.) are medicines that help cure certain illnesses caused by bacteria. Antibiotics have no effect on illnesses caused by viruses, such as colds, flu chickenpox, etc.Do not treat virus infections with antibiotics. They will ot help and may be harmful.Infectious diseases

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