Saturday, 9 July 2011


Many plants have curative powers. Some of the best modern medicines are made from wild herbs.

Nevertheless, not all curative herbs that people use have medical values, and those that have are sometimes used the the wrong way. Try to learn about the herbs in your area and find out which ones are worthwhile.

You have to note very carefully that, some medicinal herbs are very poisonous. If taken in more than the reccommended dose. For this reason, it is often safer to use modern medicine, since the dosage is easier to control.

Here are three examples of plants that can be useful if used correctly. The first one is bitter leaf (vernonia amygdaline). The leaves are rubbed between the palms, until fresh juice can be squeezed straight on the wound. Another leaf is then placed on the wound. Leaves of nightshade (solanum nigrum or s pensile) can be used.

The next is Corn Silk (the tassels or silk from an ear or maize). Sometimes a tea made from corn silk can help reduce swelling of the feet especially in pregnant women. Boil a large handful of corn silk in water and drink one or two glasses. It is not dangerouse.

The final and last is Papaya or (pawpaw). Ripe papayas are rich in vitamins and also aid digestion. Eating them is especially helpful for weak or old people who complain of upset stomach when they eat meat, chicken or eggs. Papaya makes these foods easier to digest. Papaya can also help get rid intestinal worms, although modern medicines often work better.

Collect three or four teaspoon of the milk that comes out when the green fruit or trunk of the tree is cut. Mix this with an equal amount of honey and stir it into a cup of hot water. If possible, drink along with a laxative.Medicinal plants

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