Monday, 11 July 2011


We are going to take a look at some of the laxatives that are often used. They include the folliwing which are castor oil senna leaf cascara. These are irritating purges that often do more harm than good. It is better not to use them.

 Magnesium carbonate minlk of magnesium epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) These are salt purges, use them only in low doses, as laxatives for constipation. Do not use them often and never when there is a pain in the belly. and the final one is mineral oil. This is sometimes used for constipation in persons with piles, but it is like passing greased rocks , not recommended

There are correct uses of laxatives and purges, lets take a look at them. Laxatives are like purges but weaker. All the products listed above are laxatives when taken in small doses and purges when taken in large doses. Laxatives soften and hurry the bowels movement , purges cause diarrhea.

Purges: The only time a person should use a strong dose of a purge is when he has taken a poison and must clean it out quickly. at any other time, a purge is harmful.

Laxatives: One can use milk or magnesia or other magnesium salts in small doses, as laxatives. In some cases of constipation, people with hermorrhoids (piles) who have constipation can take mineral oil but this only but this only makes their stools slippery, not soft. The dose for mineral oil is three to six teaspoons at bedtime (never with a meal because the oil will rob the body of important vitamins in the food) This is not the best way.

Instead of using laxatives and purges that could cause harm, it would be good to go by strictly eating certain foods good for the system. Lets take a look at them.

Foods with fiber. The healthiest at most gentle way to have softer, more frequent stools is to eat more foods with natural fiber, or roughage like cassava or bran and other whole grain cereals. Drinking lots of water and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables also helps.

Peoples whose tradition it is to eat a lot of food with natural fiber suffer much less from piles, constipation and cancer of the gut than do people who eat a lot of refined modern food. For better bowel habits, avoid refined foods and eat foods prepared from unpolished or unrefined grains.Purges and laxatives

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