Thursday, 4 August 2011


Start by asking the person about her sickness. Be sure to ask the following:

1. What bothers you most right now?

2. What makes you feel better or worse?

3. How and when did your sickness begin?

4. Have you have this same trouble before, or has anyone else in your family or neighborhood had it?

Continue with other questions in order to learn the details of the illness. For example, if the person has a pain ask her:

1. Where does it hurt? (Ask her to point to the exact place with one finger).

2. Does it hurt all the time, or off and on?

3. What is the pain like? (sharp? dull? burning?)

4. Can you sleep with the pain?

If the sick person is a baby who still does not talk, look for signs of pain. Notice his movements and how he cries. (For example, a child with an earache sometimes rub the side of his head or pulls at his ear).How to question a sick person

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